The Museum Pod Age is a single planet with multiple linking book locations, a practice which is unusual although not unheard of; D'ni itself has many linking book locations. Each book links to an observation pod located in an area the D'ni thought was notable.
A map with the locations of the pods can be found on a folding table in the museum. The D'ni word for "pod" is "zik". To name the planet, the DRC took the phrase "the pod Age" and converted it into D'ni, so the planet has the semi-official name reziksev ( reziKsev ). The D'ni name is unknown.
Reziksev has a rotational period of roughly 15 hours, 43 minutes, and 4 seconds, so the days and nights are about 7 hours and 53.5 minutes long. The day cycle is more easily expressed in D'ni: by their timekeeping, it's 13 partavotee long.
There is a possibility that reziksev has been shown from space. Todelmer ( toDelmer ), the astronomy Age, is an inhabitable moon. It orbits a ringed planet that has a pod which is almost identical to the ones on reziksev in one of the rings. Since observation pods of that design have never been found anywhere else, it could be a sign that the planet todelmer orbits is reziksev.
However, the theory is unprovable because planetary rings cannot be seen in the sky of reziksev. If they are aligned with the equator as is normally the case with ringed planets, they should be visible in the southern sky from any of the pods we can link to.

This is the exterior of the pod in the lake in Dereno, and is typical of the construction of them all. The exception is the pod in space, which is larger and has more internal structure and which has many more windows, all of which are reinforced.
The pods are battery powered, and have solar collectors to charge them. With only the internal lights and window defoggers running, the power can last for a long time. Using the external spotlights and other devices drains the power faster.
However, the solar collector cannot charge the batteries while they are in use. If you leave the power on in a pod when you link out, the batteries will be drained when you return and nothing will work. You will need to turn off the main power and give the collector time to recharge the batteries.
According to the Negilahn pamphlet translated by the DRC, the pods are equipped with sound and scent emitters that were intended to help attract animals for the visitor to see. Explorers who have tried them report that their results were poor, so the devices may have failed over the centuries since they were built.

This is a copy of the reziksev map that has been converted into English lettering. If Dereno is the last pod on the planet, then there are twenty-five pods in total. However, there could be more since not all of the land masses are shown on the map. The map itself seems to show roughly one-sixth of the planet. That is based on reading the markings. What may be the equator is shown at the bottom of the map, and the longitude markings appear to be numbered from one to thirteen. Only five longitude lines are shown. That means only one-third of the northern hemisphere is shown on this map, and none of the southern.
