The museum was the D'ni name for this building. It comes from a pamphlet that was found and which is in DRC possession. Despite the name, the museum had few exhibits that were actually in the building; instead, it was a common library for linking books to observation pods, all on the same world. Of the books it hosted, only four Reziksehv pod books remain out of at least twenty-five.

The Museum is a building with a rooftop similar to that of Tokotah II superstructure #1.Inside, there are two floors, the lower of which is inaccessible to explorers. There are wall and railing decorations that are the same rayed hand designs as those found in the Great Library, which may indicate that both buildings served much the same purpose, holding public linking books with a common theme.

This is the Museum's main entrance door. Currently, it's broken and does not close. When it works, it drops straight down into a slot below it, moving vertically.

Along the walls surrounding a central opening that contains a lamp sculpture are ten linking book pedestals, five on each side. On the right hand side as you enter the building, four of the pedestals hold linking books to observation pods on a world that has been called Reziksehv, although this just means "the pod Age" in D’ni. The Age holds at least twenty-five pods, since that number is marked on the map and Dereno has a number plate bearing the number 25. It has been theorized that Reziksehv is the ringed planet around which a moon called Todelmer orbits. If true, then there is a twenty-sixth pod in orbit in the ring system. The orbital pod’s linking book may sometimes be found on the center pedestal if certain conditions are met, but those conditions cannot be filled by most explorers. Under normal circumstances that spot holds a Relto page which adds a sun and two moons to Relto. On Todelmer, there is a Bahro pedestal that allows one to reach the orbital observation pod if the right symbol is inscribed on it.This is the central lamp.

Pedestals and wall design. You'll see all five Pod books in the picture below, but note that the middle book was added for the purposes of this photo. You'll probably never see it. That spot is normally occupied by a Relto page. If both floors of the museum were originally laid out like this, then there would have been twenty books on display at any given time.
The DRC found a pamphlet that would have been handed out for the Negilahn pod, and here is a translation of it.
Negilahn Introduction Pamphlet
Welcome to Negilahn, home of the infamous "tarpin shal" and "bezol pumi"!
Negilahn was one of the first features added to our museum in 8797 at the request of Lord Jerahl. At the time Maintainers and Museum Staff felt that Negilahn had been researched enough to approve the Age for a Museum Pod that would allow our visitors to experience the Age for themselves.
You will notice that all of our Pods, including Negilahn's, have a few special features. Fortunately, solar power enables our pods to function without outside power sources. However, though our pods will gain power throughout with minimal energy usage, heavy usage will also drain energy units fairly quickly. Be careful to not use up a Pod's energy before nightfall or you may miss out on some sights.
Before you visit Negilahn, we'd like to take a minute to get you acquainted with the creatures that live there. Please remember that while we have placed our Pod in an optimal position, you are visiting a natural habitat and we have no control over when and where you see our friends in Negilahn, or if you will see anything at all. Our pods do have sound and scent emitters that will attract Negilahn's inhabitants although, again, these are real animals and there are no guarantees.
Remember too, that all reactions to what you do in Negilahn are not always immediately evident.
Good luck.
Negilahn Creature Notes:
Rather than give away all the secrets of Negilahn, we want you to find creatures on your own. The following notes are only meant to provide you an introduction to the natural habitat of Negilahn.
We will say that if you can't find "kiris", things aren't going well. The large swarms usually fill the air, especially in the more open spaces. "Kiri" are one of the sole providers of nutrients for the "urwins". If you see a swarm of "kiris", look out; a "urwin" might be nearby.
"Gipelis" are another of Negilahn's smaller creatures, although they are a much more colorful variety then the "kiri". "Gipelis" can often be seen gliding through the air and are a favorite treat for "reepahs".
"Nerims" are slow moving and a beautiful native inhabitant of Negilahn. During mating seasons, especially at night, you have a good chance of being witness to some beautiful displays by female nerims. Ask a nearby Museum Guide for more information on nerim mating season.
Oocha paras, often seen dangling under trees, are actually young "tarpin shals". See if you can follow the "tarpin shals'" life cycle. We'll give you a small hint: you will need to pay close attention to "gahtsai".
Pumis hunt in packs and often eat the babies of Negilahn's other inhabitants. Pumis will prey on sick, small, or weak adults much larger than them. Pumis like to jump from tree to tree so you'll have to be quick.
See if you can find what likes to eat pumis. We'll give you a hint: they eat very slowly and live high in the trees.
Another of Negiliahn's inhabitants are fun-loving creatures that like to eat nerims, "gipeli" and other plants and animals. We'll tell you now that, however, that they are timid creatures and we often find them far away from the pod. If you happen to see a reepah consider yourself lucky.
Gahtsai are usually pretty easy to spot, especially when they are resting, so we'll let you see if you can find them without any hints. If you see one, notice its stripes; no two patterns are the same.
Though "urwins" are technically birds, they can't fly! However, with all the "kiri" around, they don't need to. "Urwins" are the only of Negilahn's inhabitants that mate for life and are often seen in pairs.
If you get the chance to see a "panuhdoy", you'll know why it has the name it does. That's all will tell you.
The "tarpin shal" is Negilahn's most famous creature and if you get a chance to see one drop down on an unsuspecting animal below it, you'll know why. You'll have to look carefully on the high branches, they are sometimes hard to see but they are worth the effort.
As for any other information, you'll have to find it yourself. Good luck and we hope you enjoy Negilahn. Please ask a Museum Guide if you have any questions or problems. |

View of the design on the railings:

The lower floor of the Museum is almost the same as the upper floor, except that it does not have an exit on the building entrance side, since the stairs from the entrance to the upper level are there. It does have a door at the opposite end, identical to the door at the south end of the upper level. I presume that there is a staircase on the other side of the door linking the levels.The lower level. This level has no linking book stands:

Exit door on the lower level:

The paintings:
There were once four paintings on the walls of the upper level. Three of them remain. They are:
King Kerath: Kerath was the last king of D’ni. After ascending to the throne, he made many changes which eventually culminated in the creation of a city council system that was composed of civic leaders and members of the D'ni guilds. He turned over rule of D'ni to the council and voluntarily abdicated his throne in 6977 DE (679 BCE).
Kerath was considered the most important king in D’ni history, and the Arch of Kings was renamed the Arch of Kerath to honor him.
King Ahlsendar: Ahlsendar was the man who was called the Great King, since he seemed to fit the D’ni prophecy that a "great king" would come to Ae’gura on a boat under the Arch of Kings. It was said that when his mother fled the Pento invasion sparked the the Judges sect, he was born as she passed under the Arch while escaping. He later returned to confront the Pento, and passed under the Arch a second time. This seemed to fulfill the prophecy, so people began to call him the Great King.
On Ahlsendar’s orders, the D’ni healers created a plague that was intended to be used against Pento. However, while Pento was devastated as planned, the plague turned out to be too virulent and it spread to other Ages and began to wipe out the D’ni as well. Ahlsendar announced his involvement in the creation of the plague, and gathered all of the books linking to the infected Ages. He then locked himself and the books in the Temple of the Great King, leaving the throne of D'ni to Solath.
Six months later, Solath was officially crowned king. The Temple of the Great King was later renamed the Tomb of the Great King to honor Ahlsendar’s self-sacrifice. However, this move proved to be controversial and much later strife was born because of it.

Queen Lalen: Lalen was the wife of King Hemelin and was instrumental in finally ending the Pento Plague. She met Hemelin when he fell ill from the plague and she was assigned as his nurse to take care of him. He would later credit their blossoming love for his survival.
Two years later in 2257 DE (5400 BCE), Lalen’s research lead to the location of lost Ages of the Healers’ Guild. This, in turn, led to the discovery of the Book of Birenni, which held a cure for the plague. The Guild of Healers declared the plague eradicated on the same day Hemelin and Lalen were married.
