The Baron's City Office is the office Douglas Sharper used when not working in an Age. He kept a personal journal there, which can still be found. The office itself is part of the Guild Hall complex, and is in the western edifice overlooking the Palace.
Sharper found a linking book to the office, but kept it a secret from the DRC and convinced Nick White to do the same. It was here that Sharper stored any documents that he did not want the DRC to know about, such as the evidence of Manesmo's slave running operation. The rugs in the office are both copies of the same compass rose rug found in Sharper's office in Teledahn.
It isn't known if the paintings of Teledahn were here before Sharper discovered the office, or if he brought them in.

Here is a collection of the various notes and charts in the office.
This chart appears to be a planning calendar. Its purpose cannot be confimed because the writing is unintelligible. It's not wrotten in D'ni, so it's probably the work of Douglas Sharper or Nick White.
This next page is a mystery, since there are no machines in the parts of the Age we can reach that resemble these sketches. A copy of this sketch was passed on to the DRC, and is still hanging in their conference room in Tokotah II.

More sketches and notes about things that don't appear in the known Age. Perhaps they are in the Teledahn II region?

Rough sketches of Shroomie, or an arthropod like her.

Construction sketches for a feeder. It's not known if this was a study of them, or if Sharper built them. There is nothing about them in his journals.

This is a note from Marie Sutherland to Richard A. Watson that can be found in the office. It tells about Marie's discovery of Esher on Noloben.
The Painting Mystery:
There are three paintings of Teledahn hanging in the Baron's office. They are called paintings 2, 3, and 4 in DRC notes. From left to right as you face them, the order is 4-2-3.
The work appears to have been commissioned at the time when the Guild of Caterers were installing the spore harvesting machinery. In painting 4, their are no mushrooms growing on the hut platform.

Painting number 2 holds a real mystery; it has numbers on it that only appear if you take a KI photograph under the right conditions. To the naked eye, they are invisible. The numbers are 3, 1, and 4. It's likely that they were intended to be read as individual numbers rather than as a single number, because the D'ni drew the boxes as a unit when displaying large values. Instead of 3 1 4, it would appear as 314 if they were meant to be a large number. Explorers have guessed about the meaning or purpose of them, but never came up with a good explanation. Guesses have included a date of some sort, or perhaps a coordinate on the Teledahn map found on Sharper's desk.
The painting itself appears to show the lagoon before the harvesting operation began, and while they were installing catwalks. Of note is the lack of work platforms on any of the mushrooms, or the cloth catchers installed around their bases to catch falling spores. It's also worth noting that there are many more mushrooms in the painting than exist in the Age today.

Painting number 3 shows the energy collector tower under construction. The webbing between the arms of the antenna have not yet been added to it. In this image, you can see some of the transfer bucket skyway lines are present, but the catwalks appear to be incomplete.