Tahgira is a D'ni prison Age. It was one of many Ages made as places to exile people convicted of committing a serious crime, because D'ni law did not normally impose a death sentence except for the most extreme cases. Prison Ages were a way of taking people out of contact with the general population without need for guards or restricting the convicted person to a cell. Just like any prison, a sentence could be anything up to life. Prisoners were often expected to cloth and feed themselves, which meant they were not a drain on state finances.
Tahgira was created in a polar ocean out of two large icebergs. The bergs are tied together with steel cables to prevent them from drifting apart. The larger of the two was probably the location of the arrival station. The smaller was the prison itself, and the surface of it was seeded with dirt and rock to serve as a growing area.

Steam vats were installed to provide heat, although it's not known what they used for fuel. The trees scattered around the area may look familiar if you've seen Eder Gira; they bear a resemblance to trees found in Gira II. That may not be coincidental; it was not unheard of for D'ni to include a feature from another Age when writing a new one. It's not known why there are here, but they may have been a source of food for the prisoners, or perhaps even been their homes. However, there is no apparent way inside them, so that is unproven.

There is a peculiar building in the center of the living area whose purpose is unknown. It has two usable stories, although there is no easy means of access to the upper room. Inside is a center column and a stone bench for sitting.

This picture was taken looking down from the second level of the central building. If this is where the prisoners lived, they may have slept up here.

At least seven prisoners died in the Age, and their graves are marked by stacks of pentagonal shaped stones. This implies that there were at least eight in total, since someone had to bury the last of the seven. It was Esher who confirmed that these are grave markers.
