This island's most important feature was a temple to Gehn, which gave it its common name. It was also home to the Age's link-in point, inside a small hut with a barred gate to keep arrivals confined until guards arrived. The most prominent landmark was the Great Golden Dome, a power distribution plant that sent steam energy to Gehn's Fire Marble Domes, the Star Fissure, and the Beetle Room.
The Beetle Room was a five-sided chamber with two doors. The room could be rotated to allow access to various parts of the island. The room itself was very elaborately decorated, and held a number of D'ni inscriptions that recorded prayers or mantras to Gehn.

The temple itself had a viewer and sound player Gehn used to transmit messages to his followers. Unlike Atrus, who made his viewers in D'ni fashion, Gehn admired the technology of his wife's people, the Amad, and constructed his viewers in their style. The five-sided symbol used as a default screen is Gehn's crest. He believed that the number five had power and significance, based partly on the fact that the D'ni numbering system is can be written in a five by five grid, except for zero.
