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The Nexus Age

The Nexus
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The Nexus Age was created because the Ronay and D'ni Guilds of Writers believed that linking from one place to another in the same Age was impossible. The world outside the chamber is completely unknown. Apparently, what you see is all there is. The floor of the nexus uses the same tile pattern as the main plaza of the residential neighborhoods. The decorative band around the room and the book machine appears to be either a rayed sun, or perhaps a stylized gear, or perhaps a combination of both.

The nexus machine

The Nexus is a waystation, and sends users to predetermined landing zones in various locations in D'ni, and also accesses your personal library of linking books. On Ae'gura island, the landing zones are typically, although not always, near a Nexus terminal. Nexus Terminals are pedestals with a KI programming box located next to a linking book to the Nexus Age. Each terminal programs its own location into the KI when you place your hand in the device.

Nexus Terminal

The Nexus book machine's interface provides information about the current population of D'ni and it has lists for Private Links, Personal Links and Public Links. While the Nexus machine seems to have a large library of books, it will only allow a user to view books that he or she owns, is authorized to use, or which the user has added to his or her list by using a terminal's programming box.

In the following picture, the button at the top activates the selected location, bringing its book up from the carousel. The line below it lists the explorer's current home neighborhood. The zeroes next to it are meant to show the coordinates of that location, but the function is broken. The "Make Public" switch adds the home neighborhood to the Public Links menu. The button displays "Make Private" if that has been done.

  • City Locations shows the terminals and destinations on Ae'gura Island that are available to the explorer. No other locations in the actual city are available.
  • Private Links shows a list of Ages the explorer can link to via invitations from other explorers.
  • Public Links shows a list of neighborhoods that have been made "public" either by default or by a neighborhood member's choice. The population of each neighborhood is shown next to the name, and the order can be shown by population by selecting the word "population" at the top of the lists.
  • Personal Links shows a list of Ages whose books are in the explorer's Relto bookshelf, and/or which are private instances. The explorer's private instance of the Great Zero appears on this list after the first set of Great Zero markers have been collected and registered in the Great Zero Antechamber

At the bottom of the screen is a list of the current population on the public instance of Ae'gura Island, and the population cap set by the DRC before linking to the Age will be rejected.

Open terminal

The KI / Nexus system was invented shortly before the Fall of D'ni. While the DRC reactivated the KI terminals on Ae'gura's administrative district and the various neighborhoods, they did not activate the terminals in most of the larger industrial and residential districts, or those in the Great Shaft's Eder Tomahntee. At the time when the DRC was working on the KI devices to make them available to use, they also reprogrammed the Nexus machines to show their own lists.

The DRC and the original Guild of Greeters wrote a guide to using the KI and Nexus, which can be found in neighborhood classrooms. This is the section on the Nexus from that notebook.


The Nexus is a massive holding spot of Books built by the D'ni to serve as a transportation hub of sorts. The Nexus can be linked to via Neighborhood Books (approved by the DRC) or the Nexus Book on Relto bookshelves.

How do I access the main system?

Insert your hand into the KI receptacle by clicking on the small slot.

How do I link to a location?

Select the location you would like to link to press the book button on top of the screen, and then activate the linking panel of the Book that eventually appears.

What is the difference between private and public links?

A public location can be accessed by anyone. A private location can only be accessed if you have been sent an invitation by someone (see above).

Areas can be made private or public by clicking on the Make Private or Make Public button in the upper right hand corner of the Nexus screen.

How do I delete private links?

You can press on the D'ni Zero symbol on the right side of the name of a link to delete it.

What are personal links?

Whenever you link to an Age via Relto Books or DRC approved Books, a link becomes available in the Nexus. These personal links can be shared with others (see above) and once shared by your friends will appear in your personal links section.

What are City Locations?

City locations are various link-in spots on Ae'Gura or the city proper (to be added later) You can add some city links to this section by registering your KI in the various Nexus pedestals that are located throughout the city Other city location links are added by the DRC when they approve an area.

Can I sort links?

Links can be sorted by name (alphabetically) or population by clicking on either word. The arrows nest to either word, will change the reverse the sort order.

How do I create a neighborhood?

You must make sure that your Relto Neighborhood Book is made volatile by clicking on the button below the book. You will be asked if you want to revoke your membership to that neighborhood Click yes and travel to the Nexus. Once you have registered at the Nexus station again, you will see a flashing icon of a book in the upper left corner. Clicking on this button will create a new neighborhood of which you are a member. You will be asked if you are sure you want to carry out such an action. Click Yes. You are now the founder of a new neighborhood and can invite others to be members through the KI (see above), make it public, or anything else you would like to do.

  • Be aware that if a neighborhood has no members the neighborhood will be deleted permanently.

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