Journey to the
Surface. |
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Translation |
relena bretalEo
Relena bretalēo |
The Journey to the Surface |
.trebigto iglarno ok rekåligo Kogloet regiDtav
.Trebigto iglarno okh rekåligo kogloet regidtav |
With the temporary blessing of the Council we began the excavation. |
.baxana met tagen a rerUA noref bretalEo
.Batsana met tagen a rerūā noref bretalēo |
This map gives the final route to the surface. |
.lOmat terelin ril KoDobarelen rebiSta KoDolasaen trefilad teflin tEget
.Loymat terelin ril kodobarelen rebishta kodolasaen trefiladh teflin tēget |
Though contact wasn't made the tunnel was sealed at the top in working order. |
D'ni Timepiece. |
Text |
Translation |
.rebiSta KoDosAen KageS b'mes erT lenaok yartE sen bretalEo
.Rebishta kodosāen kagesh b'mes erth lenaokh yartē sen bretalēo |
The tunnel was originally designed to require a journey of three days to the surface. |
.lOmat remiStatav robot xo rebiSta ril marenten resAtE Kag
.Loymat remishtatav robot tso rebishta ril marenten resātē kag
Although the actual construction of the tunnel doesn't follow the original designs, |
relena gaT Sentoen blo yartE sen f'tUgo
relena gath shentoen blo yartē sen f'tūgo |
the journey still takes about three days on foot. |
Fault Line. |
Text |
Translation |
.telUKnava garten Kolonen a metidsA cA mepråD anotam abxEex
.Telūknava Garten kolonen a metidhsā chā mepråd anotam abtsēets |
Surveyors Guild Master Garten discovered this fault line of magma-based basaltic rock. |
.KotoKituen kregixaT ga kresOgiT ok metbiSta rU KazEet n'recA
.Kotokituen khregitsath ga khresoygith okh metbishta rū kazēet n'rechā |
It was determined for the safety and stability of this tunnel that we would detour around the fault. |
Phosphorescent Plants. |
Text |
Translation |
.met Kenen erTKlA xofa tregilotE baronet Kolonet
.Met kenen erthklā stofa tregilotē baronet kolonet |
This is an example of one of the phosphorescent plants we discovered. |
.tUlEt cileS ziT fregalon rUb repOtE xoiDal tUlEt megOrA mrepråD
.Tūlēt chilesh zith fregalon rūb repoytē tsoidal tūlēt megoyrā mrepråd |
They mainly grow low along the ground, but the glowing bulbs grow straight out from the rock. |
Winged Creature. |
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Translation |
.met bUgin prin ga tromex KoKenen fa terTes mot KoKenen KohUren terTbrUn anotam
.Met būgin prin ga tromets kokenen fa terthtes mot kokenen kohūren terthbrūn anotam |
This small winged creature was one of a group that was found in a lava tube. |
.rehevo Kroen garEsen gaederen terTtes Don erTcir fa
.Rehevo kroen garēsen gaederen terthtes don erthchir fa |
The swarm moves, eats, and sleeps as a group, as if it were a single organism. |
Lizard. |
Text |
Translation |
.KohUret a met m'la Doxaven t'fa tregalpotE vogex tretalEo
.Kohūret a met m'la dotsaven t'fa tregalpotē vogets tretalēo |
We found this lizard living in one of the natural caves near the surface. |
.rem'la seken poant bonUex b'rigasen
.Rem'la sekhen poant bonūets b'rigasen |
The lizard has highly acidic saliva, |
mot tornen frepråDtE DorEsloen remarg melin mrepråD
mot tornen freprådtē dorēsloen remarg melin mrepråd |
which it spits at the rocks, dissolving the rock's outer layer. |
.gormot glasen a repoant tre'irvåntE tregilotE ga trecirtE prin mot lerEsloEt
.Gormot glasen a repoant tre'irvåntē tregilotē ga trechirtē prin mot lerēsloēt |
It then drinks the saliva along with the minerals, plants, and small organisms that have been dissolved. |
Shaft. |
Text |
Translation |
.retiwa KoKenen KosAen t'telUknava garten
.Retiwa kokenen kosāen t'telūknava Garten |
The shaft was designed by Surveyors Guild Master Garten. |
.Komesen reDOhatE pråDtEgal tor garo b'fasE t'biv tregan D'nE
.Komesen redoyhatē prådtēgal tor garo b'fasē t'biv tregan D'nē |
It required the four greatest rock-working machines in all of the D'ni Empire |
gavIlEtE tren b'cOlanA
gavílētē tren b'choylanā |
and a few months to complete. |
South Gate. |
Text |
Translation |
.reKoxa tEma
.Rekotsa tēma |
The south gate. |