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Journey to the Surface.
Text Translation

relena bretalEo

Relena bretalēo

The Journey to the Surface

.trebigto iglarno ok rekåligo Kogloet regiDtav

.Trebigto iglarno okh rekåligo kogloet regidtav

With the temporary blessing of the Council we began the excavation.

.baxana met tagen a rerUA noref bretalEo

.Batsana met tagen a rerūā noref bretalēo

This map gives the final route to the surface.

.lOmat terelin ril KoDobarelen rebiSta KoDolasaen trefilad teflin tEget

.Loymat terelin ril kodobarelen rebishta kodolasaen trefiladh teflin tēget

Though contact wasn't made the tunnel was sealed at the top in working order.

D'ni Timepiece.
Text Translation

.rebiSta KoDosAen KageS b'mes erT lenaok yartE sen bretalEo

.Rebishta kodosāen kagesh b'mes erth lenaokh yartē sen bretalēo

The tunnel was originally designed to require a journey of three days to the surface.

.lOmat remiStatav robot xo rebiSta ril marenten resAtE Kag

.Loymat remishtatav robot tso rebishta ril marenten resātē kag

Although the actual construction of the tunnel doesn't follow the original designs,

relena gaT Sentoen blo yartE sen f'tUgo

relena gath shentoen blo yartē sen f'tūgo

the journey still takes about three days on foot.

Fault Line.
Text Translation

.telUKnava garten Kolonen a metidsA cA mepråD anotam abxEex

.Telūknava Garten kolonen a metidhsā chā mepråd anotam abtsēets

Surveyors Guild Master Garten discovered this fault line of magma-based basaltic rock.

.KotoKituen kregixaT ga kresOgiT ok metbiSta rU KazEet n'recA

.Kotokituen khregitsath ga khresoygith okh metbishta rū kazēet n'rechā

It was determined for the safety and stability of this tunnel that we would detour around the fault.

Phosphorescent Plants.
Text Translation

.met Kenen erTKlA xofa tregilotE baronet Kolonet

.Met kenen erthklā stofa tregilotē baronet kolonet

This is an example of one of the phosphorescent plants we discovered.

.tUlEt cileS ziT fregalon rUb repOtE xoiDal tUlEt megOrA mrepråD

.Tūlēt chilesh zith fregalon rūb repoytē tsoidal tūlēt megoyrā mrepråd

They mainly grow low along the ground, but the glowing bulbs grow straight out from the rock.

Winged Creature.
Text Translation

.met bUgin prin ga tromex KoKenen fa terTes mot KoKenen KohUren terTbrUn anotam

.Met būgin prin ga tromets kokenen fa terthtes mot kokenen kohūren terthbrūn anotam

This small winged creature was one of a group that was found in a lava tube.

.rehevo Kroen garEsen gaederen terTtes Don erTcir fa

.Rehevo kroen garēsen gaederen terthtes don erthchir fa

The swarm moves, eats, and sleeps as a group, as if it were a single organism.

Text Translation

.KohUret a met m'la Doxaven t'fa tregalpotE vogex tretalEo

.Kohūret a met m'la dotsaven t'fa tregalpotē vogets tretalēo

We found this lizard living in one of the natural caves near the surface.

.rem'la seken poant bonUex b'rigasen

.Rem'la sekhen poant bonūets b'rigasen

The lizard has highly acidic saliva,

mot tornen frepråDtE DorEsloen remarg melin mrepråD

mot tornen freprådtē dorēsloen remarg melin mrepråd

which it spits at the rocks, dissolving the rock's outer layer.

.gormot glasen a repoant tre'irvåntE tregilotE ga trecirtE prin mot lerEsloEt

.Gormot glasen a repoant tre'irvåntē tregilotē ga trechirtē prin mot lerēsloēt

It then drinks the saliva along with the minerals, plants, and small organisms that have been dissolved.

Text Translation

.retiwa KoKenen KosAen t'telUknava garten

.Retiwa kokenen kosāen t'telūknava Garten

The shaft was designed by Surveyors Guild Master Garten.

.Komesen reDOhatE pråDtEgal tor garo b'fasE t'biv tregan D'nE

.Komesen redoyhatē prådtēgal tor garo b'fasē t'biv tregan D'nē

It required the four greatest rock-working machines in all of the D'ni Empire

gavIlEtE tren b'cOlanA

gavílētē tren b'choylanā

and a few months to complete.

South Gate.
Text Translation

.reKoxa tEma

.Rekotsa tēma

The south gate.

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