Direbo is a garden age, if you like your gardens dim and swampy. It is quiet and soothing, but with the light levels as they are, I wouldn't try reading my favorite book there.
The garden was used by both Yeesha and Esher to direct people who tried to claim the stone tablet that bound the Bahro to D'ni. It is unknown who first placed the Direbo linking books in the eder tomahntee of the Great Shaft. They may have been placed there by the D'ni, but there is some doubt about that because the Shaft was excavated, lined with nara, and the elevators installed in a matter of days, thanks to the Great Excavators which were sent to the site when the D'ni council decided to cover the remaining three miles to the surface vertically..
When Yeesha took possession of the Age, she had her Bahro install time-space bubbles with pedestals holding stone slates that controlled the locking mechanism for the master tablet. The bubbles existed simultaneously in both the garden and another Age, and showed yet again how linking devices created by the Bahro so often ignored the rules invented by the D'ni.
Direbo seems to mainly be made up of a marsh of uncertain size. There are several types of insects in Direbo. They include two species of Direbo fireflies, and both are different from the Kiri of Negilahn or their relatives in Eder Kemo. The first type glow a homogeneous golden color, and like the Kiri and the Kemo fireflies, they congregate in clouds. This same insect can be found in the Cleft volcano caldera.

The second variety is solitary, and its body is smaller than the first type. You cannot see the body or wings through its glow, as you can with the others.
Direbo has the same butterflies that can be found in the Cleft volcano caldera. These butterflies are very likely a variety of the same species as the Crimson Kadish found in Laki'ahn, Kadish Tolesa, and your Relto if you have the page for them. Since the insect cannot be found outside the caldera, it's probably an inadvertent import that may have been carried through a linking book by riding on the clothing of an explorer, Yeesha, or Esher. I currently believe that Laki'ahn is the original home of the species.

There is a short-winged dragonfly that zips around the garden, presumably hunting the fireflies. I call it a dragonfly because of its abdomen. In reality, it's probably not an Earth insect at all. It's notable for the way its head is fused to the thorax like a spider. The eyes are set high on the head, and are a light blue-gray.
Direbo is also home to at least one species of bird that the D'ni Zoological Society calls a variety of Nightjar based on its call, but it is shy, and no one has ever reported actually seeing one.